High Performance Unit
The High Performance Unit since its inception in 2006 have endeavored to build upon the work undertaken with significant review on its strategic direction after the RWC 2011 for elite players and coaches.
This review was to ensure that we were well positioned to deliver on the overarching goals of the FRU and more specifically, those of the HPU itself heading into the 2015 RWC.
Sports Medicine & Science
The HPU Sports Medicine and sciences department is a national multidisciplinary organization of professionals which consist of a Medical Coordinator/Head Physiotherapist, National Strength and Conditioning Coach, Physiotherapist and FRU Sports Commission which are all professionals that are committed to working together to enhance the health of all elite and professional rugby players and provincial member unions that affiliate themselves to FRU through their safe participation in rugby.
Strength & Conditioning
The S&C component of HPU at Fiji Rugby made several inroads in terms of evolving the physical preparation to support development of the players and the subsequent performance. There were a number of new systems put in place, which will reap its benefits in due course with consistent use, and maximized application such as upgraded gym gears for the HP Centers, GP Sports tracking and Kinetic Athlete Monitoring systems.
All players at these elite performance levels are part of an evolving HP program at Fiji Rugby that is working towards improving a players understanding of Strength and Conditioning, improving his daily application to his own development to become World Class, working hard at training and being honest with their set programs at their local centers developing strict nutritional habits that promotes sporting excellence and also looking to develop local S&C practitioners to work smarter and effectively with the minimum resources that’s on offer to bring out the best in players in Fiji.
Video Analysis
HPU is also involved in video analysis. This is a useful tool that in the preparation of national teams from player selection, reviewing of player and team performances, reviewing player injuries and analyzing opposition teams/players. Future in video analysis is to put a tab on our Fiji Rugby Union website to allow coaches and players to access statistical analysis.
What We Do
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