FRU referees tested to start the new year.

Fiji Rugby Union Development Update 
Referee’s and Match Officials. 

The Fiji Rugby Referees Association have hit the ground whistling in 2019 hosting a number of testing sessions across Viti Levu as the referees prepare for another big season of rugby ahead.

Two sessions have been in held this week, for the Western Referees of Nadi, Lautoka, Nadroga and a session for the Central/Eastern associations which was held at the National Fitness Centre in Suva.

Both sessions were well attended in a encouraging boost to the Referees Association as the number of match officials accredited and engaged in Fiji continues to grown.

During the two sessions, the referees were put through a series of strength and flexibility, speed and beep testing.
Fiji Rugby Union Referees Coordinator Johnson Lee was pleased with the turnout and application of the attendees at both sessions.

“I thank the members of these associations for attending this fitness test which starts a series of test planned to be carried out this year.

The large turnout at the National Gymnasium was really encouraging.” he said.

“We look forward to the next session with the Referees of the Western Region 2 and recording their results.”

In further official business, the World Rugby Match Official Coaching Level 1 course was held at Roqomate House Conference Room in Labasa this week.

Four participants travelled from Cakaudrove and 6 from Macuata to attend the session, pleasing National Development Manager Kolinio Sewabu who says the commitment shown by participants is a real boost to the organizers.

Following the match official coaching course, match officials need to watch 3 games (2 videos & 1 live club game); analyse the referee and submit a report that will be assessed by Oceania Rugby Training and Education Manager, Talemo Waqa.

All of these courses and processes are part of the FRU NDM’s plan to increase the quality and quantity of accredited coaches, match officials, team managers and medical officers involved across the game from grass roots through to elite.

In Grassroots news 

The Topline Rugby Club in Lautoka had their first round of 10-a side tournament last Saturday at Nadovu Park.

The session consisted of a series of Tag Rugby (Get Into Rugby Program) games and skill sessions for Primary school kids that live in Topline Rugby Club vicinity.

29 students attended the school holiday session, with 23 boys and 6 girls.

FRU National Development Manager Kolinio Sewabu was grateful for the organising committee sacrificing their time to deliver the event for the young rugby players.

“A big vinaka vakalevu to the Topline Rugby Club Executives for the organized Topline 10s.
Also thankful to have our Referee Manager, Mr Johnson Lee and Oceania Rugby Pathway Manager, Mr Tirahni Uluinakauvadra present at the competition” he said.

“Our next 10s tournament will be held next week Saturday at the same venue.”

Finally a World Rugby level 1 Rugby 7s Coaching course was held at Nakorovou village in Bua last Thursday. 19 Participants attended the course from the two villages; Nakorovou and Nadarivakarua.

Mr Sewabu says the accreditation of Rugby 7s coaches across Fiji is a major focus in 2019, with many coaches having attended courses and learning principles but not achieving their accreditation.

He said it’s also important to the strengthening of the 7s code right up to the Fiji Airways Fiji 7s and Fijiana 7s that the coaches at village and grassroots level are aptly equipped to teach the fundamental skills and dynamics of the game, so that players are developed to a higher standard from younger ages.

He also thanks the Fiji Sports Commission for their support of this initiative.

“A Big Vinaka Vakalevu to the Fiji Sports Commission for their assistance in providing the transport to and from the village for the facilitators of these course