Development Update Training and Education

Training and Education

Four Level 2 coaches in Nausori were assessed last week by FRU Coach Educator Alifereti Mocelutu. The coaches, Lasarusa Senibale, Theo Kilo Vilisoni, Ilaitia Bavia and Watisoni Saula, are coaching age grade for the Tailevu Kaji Rugby.

Mocelutu assessed their planning, coaching process, rugby knowledge, player welfare and philosophy and ethical behaviour.


Training and Education

“This will determine if they are competent enough to be accredited as fully certified level 2 coaches,” Mocelutu said.

The challenges now he said, is completing the coaching diary online Rugby Laws, Rugby Ready and session plan for their individual practical.

In order to be awarded the World Rugby level 2 coaching accreditation the participant must;

  • Complete the on line self-test at www. Worldrugby/ / Rugby Ready.
  • Attend and participate in all modules of the course.
  • Be observed while coaching in the coach’s own environment.
  • Satisfactory completion of a diary for a team that is being coached in the current or during the Rugby season.

“The diary should cover a cycle of six games and the training sessions within that cycles,” Mocelutu said.

It should provide evidence of a coaches’ ability to apply the Plan, Do, Review model. The coaches’ progress during the course will be tracked on the World Rugby level 2 transcript for accreditation. This serves as the ongoing assessment tool.

The four coaches will be assessed again next week.

Meanwhile, National Development Manager Sale Sorovaki conducted a Level 2 refresher course to 13 Suva Club coaches and 15 Nasinu Kaji Rugby coaches.

This assessment process will be taking place over the course of the next 3 months. Level 2 Coaches assessment will require a coach to provide a 6 game diary along with 12 practice sessions. These 12 sessions have to address the weaknesses from their games the week before.

“What I have found with the 2 different groups of Coaches (Kaji and Clubs) is that skills requirements are very different according to age groups,” Sorovaki said.

“Kaji Rugby players will need to practice more on their individual skills like passing and catching while the older club players will need to focus more on decision making and clarifying roles at the breakdown, he said. Although during warmups, individual skills can be practiced.”

It is also very important that all practice sessions are to be related to the games from the previous Saturday and that has to be transferred to drills on their session plans.

There are also Modules on Risk Management (Rugby Ready), Rugby Values, Long Term Player Development (LTPD), Key Factor Analysis, Functional Role Analysis and many other topics which coaches undergoing this assessment will benefit from.

The sessions are being held every Monday 7-830 pm at the Raiwaqa Rugby Club house and 4 – 530 at Delainamasi Government School on Thursdays. These coaches are doing session planning every time and preparing their respective teams for Saturdays games.

Level 2 coaches assessed last week

Lasarusa Senibale (Dilkusha Boys School – U14), Theo Kilo Vilisoni (Dilkusha Boys School – U10, Ilaitia Bavia (Dilkusha Boy School – U13, Watisoni Saula (Nausori Primary School – U12)

Level 2 Refresher Course

Suva Club coaches

Salesi Tuberi, Mausio Bernard, Saiasi Koroi, Waisake Vakatawa, Isimeli Koroi, Mataika Koyamainavure, Saimoni Banuve, Joni Kato, Palo Daurewa, Asaeli Baleloa, Alivereti Naivanawalu, Waisea Baleivanualala, Filipe Waqairagata

Nasinu Kaji Coaches

Sikeli Vosailagi, Filipe Mateviti, Ifereimi Dau, Isaia Seruvatu, Isikeli Rauqeuqe, Senirusi Radaveta, Rakanace Tuvasu, David Tuicolo, Ananaiasa Drugu, Inoke Ratotodro, Mosese Rawamila, Solomoni Driu, Kiniviliame Loanakadavu, Savenaca Batidradra, Kurusiga Tuivanua


By the end of this year, Fiji Rugby Union aims to reach 7,000 numbers for Get Into Rugby (GIR) Programme. Into the six month now, 3,520 has tried and played GIR in which 1,796 are males and 1724 females. Interesting to note that for the month of May alone, there were more girls recruited with the number of 380 and only 262 for boys.

Last week, Development Officer Tirani Uluinakauvadra ran GIR at Nadi Ary Samaj while Joeli Tubu at Rakiraki District School. More GIR programmes will run this week to increase participation and at the same time introducing the basic rugby skills to the students. Today (Tuesday), Alifereti Mocelutu and Paulini Tamatasasa will visit schools that do not play rugby in the Nausori area to conduct GIR.


GIR Programme for this week – Nausori

Tuesday – Vunimono High

Wednesday – Vunimono Sanatan Dharan School

Thursday – Vunimono Islamic School

Friday – Vunimono Arya



Event Venue Dates
Level 1 S&C and Medical Vatukoula 11-12/06/2015
Level 1 S&C and Medical Rakiraki, Ra 18-19/06/2015
Level 2 MO’s Tavua 26/06/2015
Skills for Tavua College and District Sec. Tavua 08/06/2015
Visit Nadarivatu Secondary Colo North 10/062015
GIR Program
Varavu   Muslim School Ba 09/06/2015
               Namosau Primary School Ba 02/04/2015
Karavi Public School Ba 23/062015
   Toko Primary School(Revisit) Tavua 05/06/2015

Naseyani District School




                   Vatukoula Primary School

Vatukoula 12/06/2015